Here you can read about the eligibility requirements to be admitted to a
program and what you can do if you lack eligibility.
There are two different types of eligibility requirements you must meet to have the opportunity to be admitted to a program:
Preparatory Courses
A preparatory course is a course offered by Nackademin for those who lack grades or have no prior knowledge in a subject. The course concludes with an exam, and upon passing the exam, you become eligible in the subject. Completion of the course does not guarantee placement or priority in our programs; rather, it provides you with the opportunity to become eligible at Nackademin.
Eligibility applies only to Nackademin’s programs. (If you wish to use your eligibility at other schools, you need to contact the specific school to verify that the certificate is accepted) Below, you can learn more about each specific preparatory course.
Mathematics 2/B
Learn more about the instructor-led distance course in Mathematics 2/B.
Electrical Engineering 1
Learn more about the distance course with 100% self-studies in Electrical Engineering 1.
Learn more about the distance course with 100% self-studies in Programming 1/A.
Construction and Civil Engineering 1
Learn more about the distance course with 100% self-studies in Construction and Civil Engineering 1.
Computer and Network Technology
There is no preparatory course for Computer and Network Technology, but you have the option to take an eligibility test instead. You can find the self-study materials and registration link further down under eligibility test.
Eligibility Test
Registration: Open
Registration closes: June 5, 2024
You can take the test until: June 11, 2024
If you lack grades in any of the admission requirements but believe you already possess knowledge in the subject and could pass a test, you can take an eligibility test. you can take an eligibility test If you pass the test, you become eligible in the subject. For example: You lack grades in Programming 1 but have previous knowledge in programming and believe you can meet the requirements for passing a test. you can take an eligibility test
Please note! This is only a test and should not be confused with a preparatory course.
Eligibility tests are offered in the following subjects:
Register here: Construction and Civil Engineering 1
Register here: Computer and Network Technology (self-studies with study references)
Self-study material can be found here
Register here: English 5
Register here: English 6
Register here: Mathematics 2/B (self-studies with study references)
Self-study material can be found here
Register here: Mathematics 3
Register here: Programming 1
Register here: Swedish 2
Register here: Electrical Engineering 1
The test costs 400 SEK. Upon completing the payment, you have confirmed your spot for the test. After passing the test, you will receive a certificate confirming this.
After registration
Within 24 hours of registration, you will receive an activation email with login details for Nackademin’s student portal.
If you have not received the activation email within 24 hours, you should:
1. Check your spam folder first, as it often ends up there.
2. If you do not find the email in the spam folder, go to this link: studentportal.nackademin.se: Log in to the website and click on “Forgot your password?” and under “Search via email address” fill in the email address you registered with and click on “Search.” Then check your email, both your inbox and spam folder.
If step 2 does not work for any reason, contact antagningen@nackademin.se.
The test
The test is conducted digitally at a distance. You have 60 minutes to complete the test, except for Mathematics 2/B and Mathematics 3, where you have 2 hours.
If you fail and want to retake the test, you must pay/register again and then email antagningen@nackademin.se to notify them that you want to retake the test. You will then receive a password from us to retake the test.
Need extra support during the eligibility test?
There is an opportunity for you, such as having reading and writing difficulties, to have extra time to complete the test. To apply for extra support, send a certificate stating that you need extra support to antagningen@nackademin.se
Upon passing the test, you will receive a certificate stating that you have passed the eligibility test. The certificate can be used for Nackademin’s programs. If you have questions about whether it applies to other schools, please contact the respective school, as it is up to each individual school to accept the certificate or not. The certificate is delivered via email.
Since you gain access to the test within 24 hours, it is not possible to cancel.
Experience competence
If you lack eligibility you can apply with experience competence Knowledge and experience that you have acquired through, for example:
Work experience
Course activities
Association life
Example 1: You lack grades in Programming 1 but have previous knowledge in programming and believe you can meet the requirements for passing a test.
You did not pass English 5 at high school, but have worked as an au-pair in the USA or studied a university education in English, then you can apply for a real skills assessment.
Example 3
You lack a grade in Programming 1 but have studied a programming course at University, then you can apply for a real skills assessment.
In some cases, exceptions to the formal eligibility can be made, so that even you who do not meet the basic and/or the special eligibility can apply to Nackademin. You can become authorized if we judge that you can assimilate the education and then practice the profession that the education prepares you for due to previous experiences, such as
Previous studies
A hobby
Previous professional experience
Only a few (20% of our training places) can be accepted via the 20% rule and therefore the competition is fierce. We therefore recommend that you always first try to fulfill the formal eligibility to increase your chances of being accepted.
It is above all important that you have passed grades in Swedish 1, English 5 and mathematics 1 and meet the special eligibility. If you lack any of this, we recommend that you sign up for a preparation course or write a qualifying exam.
If you do not have a qualification in mathematics
If you lack a grade in mathematics, both basic and special eligibility, it is very difficult to become eligible via the 20% rule. This is due to that mathematics is such an important knowledge to have with you in order to complete the education. We recommend that you write the qualifying exam or take a preparatory course to become qualified.
If you want to apply via the 20% rule, you need:
1. Submit a letter of motivation in which you clearly explain why you will be able to complete the training even though you lack one or more eligibility requirements. Upload the motivation letter in your application and name the file “Motivation letter”.
2. Also upload your CV in your application and preferably a work certificate or similar.