All you need to know
before starting your studies
Below you will find the answers to the most common inquiries students typically have before beginning their studies at Nackademin:
- Admission Notification
- Call-Up
- Frequently asked questions about the start of studies
- Transition Study Support
- Validation
- Special Educational Support
Everything you need to know before starting your studies:
2. Call-Up
The roll call is taking place in week 34, both via distance and digitally. You can find the exact date and time in your welcome letter; read more about it above.
Please note The call-up takes place the week before the start of the program.
If you have been admitted or placed on reserve positions 1-30, you will be invited to a digital call-up.
It is important that you participate in the digital call-up to finally confirm your place, whether you are admitted or on reserve. The call-up is mandatory, and it is important that you ensure to connect on time so that no one else takes your place We recommend that you, if you are on reserve positions 1-30, participate in the digital call-up, as there is a good chance you will be admitted to the program.
The link to the digital call-up will be sent in week 33 on yh-antagning.se under the “messages” tab. Along with the link to the call-up, you will receive instructions on how to join.
If for any reason you are unable to attend the call-up, you can fill out a dispensation form and send it to antagningen@nackademin.se for approval.
Frequently asked questions about the start of studies
Transition Study Support
Did you know that you can apply for transition study support from CSN for all our vocational education programs (YH-utbildningar) and YH-courses? The application for transition study support opens on April 1st for studies starting in autumn 2024.
Transition study support is intended for those who already have work experience but want to become more attractive in the job market by deepening or broadening their skills.
Nackademin’s programs are developed in collaboration with the industry to meet the demands of the job market, making them particularly suitable for those seeking transition study support.
Please note: Note: Important information to apply for transition study support and add Nackademin as your school:
Go to CSN’s website. > Click on “Apply for study support.” > Log in to CSN > Fill in all the details > Your studies > Education and study period > Add your education > To find Nackademin, you need to add “Solna” as the location.
Validation and accreditation aim to acknowledge the competencies you have acquired through work experience, previous studies, licenses, or similar.
You must be enrolled in a program to validate and receive credit for courses. If the management team determines that you have demonstrated the knowledge in the subject that meets the objectives outlined in the syllabus, a decision will be made to grant you credit for the course. This means that you, as a student, do not need to take that course in the program.
The validation process begins with you conducting a competency mapping. You must submit a correctly filled validation form along with supporting documents that verify your competencies, such as work certificates, licenses, certificates, employer attestations, and grades, to the program coordinator. All your supporting documents should be clearly linked to the syllabus for each course in the program that you wish to validate. The results of the validation will be a mapping statement, which serves as the basis for upcoming decisions.
You can read more about validation here: For those who want to validate their competencies – The Swedish National Agency for Higher Vocational Education (myh.se)
Special Educational Support
At Nackademin, we want everyone who needs special educational support to feel that they receive appropriate and tailored support. Therefore, we have a dedicated full-time person with educational support and professional Swedish. Educational support can take various forms but is about adapting the learning process for the individual student and should be linked to educational support measures.
If you need educational support in your studies due to a permanent disability or other challenges that can be substantiated with a medical certificate, you may be entitled to special educational support measures You may also be eligible for support if you have previously received special educational support measures.
More information on how to apply for support can be found here >>